Organization and Governance

Per the NOBCChE Constitution and By-Laws (Article III, Section I) the Executive Board shall consist of elected Executive Committee Members, four (4) Administrative Officers, President-Elect, Past President, five (5) Regional Chairpersons, and one (1) student liaison (National Student Representative) who will be appointed and announced by the Executive Board during the Annual Meeting.  Officers (with the exception of the student member) must be Professional Members of NOBCChE. The Executive Board is responsible to the Organization.

Board of Directors Roster
Constitution and By-Laws
Financial Information
Code of Conduct

For more information, contact us at [email protected]

Governance Details and Information

  • The Administrative Officers of the Organization shall be the President, President-Elect, Past President, Secretary, Treasurer and Student Liaison. These Officers shall be elected for a two- year term by the regular membership by a ballot distribution to the membership.
  • The Executive Committee shall guide the direction of the Organization and provide for continuity in objectives and practices. The eight Executive Committee Members shall be elected for three-year terms by the regular membership, two or three members being elected each year by ballot distribution to the regular membership at least two months prior to the Annual Meeting.
  • Regional Chairpersons shall be elected for a two-year term by ballot distribution to their respective constituents.
  • National Student Representative
Chairman of the Board
The Chairman is elected from one of the eight (8) Executive Committee members (Article III, Section 6a). This person shall lead the Executive Board in corporate strategy, brand equity, planning, external contacts and other management matters for achieving the annual business plan. This person shall interact with global thought leaders to enhance the Organization’s influence in scientific policy. The Chair of the Board will appoint chairs of Executive Committees, with the approval of the Executive Board.

The President has the overall responsibility for affecting the objectives of the Organization (NOBCChE Constitution Article III, Section 7a). This person shall oversee the day-to-day activities of the organization (some of which are often delegated to other officers). The President is the official representative of the Organization. Specific duties include, but are not limited to: 
  1. Presides over the Annual meeting.
  2. Determines the operational policies and directs the activities of the Organization, with the approval of the Executive Board.
  3. Appoints chairs of Presidential committees, with the approval of the Executive Board.
  4. Establishes good working relationships with other groups of similar interests.
The President-Elect supports the President and assumes the duties of the President if for some reason the President cannot fulfill his/her duties. (NOBCChE Constitution Article III, Section 7b) Specific duties may include:
  1. Oversee the selection process of the National Student Representative.
  2. Report to the President on day-to-day operations.
  3. Design and implement methods by which chapters may learn how to create and maintain programs.
  4. Coordinate national programs.
The role of the secretary is to ensure that organized records of (a) official correspondence, (b) committee reports, (c) Board and Administrative Officer meeting minutes, and other records are appropriately maintained and distributed. Specific duties may include:
  1. Assist with the development and implementation of records.
  2. Report to the President on day-to-day operations.
  3. Oversee and provide personal communication functions such as scheduled and special reports or emails, correspondence (i.e. thank you letters).
  4. Coordinate meeting travel arrangements, special projects, and/or events. 
The role of the treasurer is to provide financial oversight for the Organization, (Article III, and Section 7 d); advise the board on issues related to budget and other financial matters. Specific duties may include:
  1. Member of the Budget and Finance Committee.
  2. Report to the President on day-to-day operations.
  3. Make disbursements and keep written accounts of transactions as authorized by the President
  4. Ensure completion of appropriate tax forms.
  5. Oversee and maintain travel reimbursements and purchasing documents.
  6. Submit written monthly statement summaries, financial reports and bi-annual detailed reports to the board.
National Student Representative (NSR)
The role of the NSR is to coordinate communications among the student membership to identify student needs and to ensure that all student chapter goals align with the mission of the Executive Board. Specific duties may include:
  1. To represent the student chapters concerns at the National Executive Board meetings (Fall, Winter, and National Conference)
  2. Establish and maintain contact with the student chapters via mail/email or telephone across the nation.
  3. Inform student chapters of NOBCChE national policies (use of national office, etc.).
  4. Assist in updating the national student general body roster (executive officers of the student chapters).
  5. Create opportunities to support, expand and establish student chapters.
  6. Urge student chapters to file quarterly or annual expenditure reports if the chapter is receiving funding from sources other than NOBCChE.
Regional Chairs
The role of the regional chairs is to execute the business and policies of the organization regionally. (Article III, Section 7e).  Specific duties may include:
  1. Act as director of regional activities, including communication among local student and professional chapters.
  2. Identify the needs of the region and report to the board at the executive and annual meetings.
  3. Represent the region to the public. 
Vice-Chair of the Board
The Vice Chair of the Board supports the Chair and assumes the duties of the Chair if for some reason the Chair cannot fulfill his/her duties. Specific duties may include:
  1. Member of the Budget and Finance Committee.
  2. Other duties as assigned by the Chair