Home > Students > Student Chapter Overview > Student Chapter Application

NOBCChE student chapters are studying STEM at universities and making a difference in communities all across the country. Follow the instructions below to make your membership in the NOBCChE family official!


  1. Hold a formative meeting to draft member positions and elect officers
    1. A minimum of 5 people is required to form a chapter
    2. Members must be students in good standing within the University and a a dues-member of NOBCChE at the student level.
  2. Record a copy of the meeting minutes to include with your application.
  3. Obtain a letter of support from a designated NOBCChE Faculty Coordinator pledging support for the formation of a NOBCChE Student Chapter.
    1. NOBCChE Faculty Sponsor/Coordinator must be a full member of NOBCChE
  4. Establish a chapter website, blog, Facebook page, or other form of electronic social medium
  5. Complete your Student Chapter Rules of Procedure (download draft here)
  6. Complete the online student chapter application form and upload the requested supporting documents.
    1. Formative meeting minutes
    2. Faculty Sponsor Letter of support and membership verification
    3. (Chapter Rules of Procedure)
  7. Chapters are reviewed at each NOBCChE board meeting. Notification of acceptance will be provided within 30 days of the previous NOBCChE board meeting.
  8. An official NOBCChE chapter charter will be conveyed during the NOBCChE National Convention.
Click Here to Complete the Application